Developer SDKs

Harness the power of pre-built SDKs

DIMO offers a Developer SDK suite, acting as Swiss army knives for developers to build on DIMO.

TypeScript / NodeJS

TypeScript / NodeJS was our first choice of programming languages when building out our SDK suite. There are currently two SDKs published on NPM for backend integrations.

Transactions SDK

The Transactions SDK allow developers to submit on-chain transactions like sending DIMO tokens, minting a vehicle, claiming and pairing a vehicle with DIMO devices, transferring a vehicle ownership, or setting vehicle permissions.

DIMO Transactions SDK in TypeScript

Data SDK

The Data SDK allow developers to easily connect to the DIMO Auth servers to get authenticated and access the API to fetch data.

DIMO Data SDK in TypeScript

Other Languages

DIMO Check-in

The SDKs in the following languages do not support on-chain transactions at the moment.

Developer SDK Roadmap

Contact us to build a new SDK, we welcome open-source contributions.

Last updated